Books that change your life...
and should not be missing from any school curriculum
Maikerich Rauscher (AutHor) - – November 2024 (440 pages)
In this book, I want to show you how I stay in top shape at over 50 and keep my body fat percentage at the lowest level (5%) – without dieting, bodybuilding or conventional fitness training and with minimal time investment, and how you can do the same if you want...
It took me 20 years to understand the secret of how the body really works, and if you have had difficulties so far in making your dream body come true, in realizing your fitness goal or your health goal, I can tell you exactly what the problem is and one thing in advance: It is NOT up to you!
Discover the secret of your body and learn how you can achieve more vitality, mental power, performance and your dream body! No matter whether you are a man or a woman, young or old, how much excess weight you have or how many unsuccessful attempts you have had: with the innovative method of mental biohacking, you will achieve your goals – I promise!
If you care about your figure, fitness or health, then please read this book. It could change your life...
Get your copy
Publication in English in February 25. Available in German
Nature´s secret
Why is a bear strong? Because it does weight training? Why is a cheetah slim? Because it keeps to a diet? We all know people who can eat whatever they want, hardly do any sport and still look good. Discover the secret of nature...
Cut 1000 calories a day and get fatter - This works for sure!
The scientific credo is that if you consume more calories than you expend, you will lose weight. This is wrong! You can also save 1000 calories a day for weeks and still get fatter, as our research has clearly shown...
Nutrition guides, diet recommendations, influencers - all this leads to 90% getting fatter and fatter in the long run - so it's no wonder that the proportion of those who, due to the hopelessness of the situation, resort to dangerous drugs such as Ozempic or anabolics is rapidly increasing - a ticking time bomb...
If you want to lose weight, you mustn't want to lose weight!
Often it starts with the wrong goal: “I want to lose weight...” But that´s a Nogo! Most people lack an understanding of how the body really works. In this book, we put the pieces of the puzzle together together...!
Get your copy
Publication in English in February 25. Available in German
Contents of Volume 1
A book that WILL turn the diet industry UPSIDE DOWN
and a must-read for anyone who is interested in fitness, health or their figure!
Are you completely satisfied with your figure? Do you feel full of self-confidence, mental strength and energy? Or is there a desire to improve something? You are not alone! More and more people suffer from figure problems, a lack of vitality, and diabetes is spreading like an epidemic. The statistics are alarming: we live in the most prosperous, but at the same time unhealthiest society of all times. For the first time, our life expectancy is even falling – and many people don't even realize how much they are at risk.
There is no shortage of medical, sports, fitness, and diet options, organic food is available almost everywhere, bookstores are full of guides, and YouTube is flooded with influencers giving tips. Basically, all the tips always revolve around the same thing: Exercise, targeted exercise, eating healthier, eating less, less stress... However, this usually only works for those who subordinate a lot of their lives to their fitness and figure goals, and thus end up in a “prison” of questionable rules. For many, the long-term damage is even greater than the benefits.
Most people lose weight in the short term, and many diet and fitness programs are suitable for this. The only problem is that in the long term, it works for very few, and so many stumble from one diet to the next. In the US, 45 million people try to lose weight every year and get fatter and fatter: 7 out of 10 Americans are far from a good figure and suffer from obesity. In the long term, the vast majority of programs lead to people getting fatter and fatter...
Between 2006 and 2012, we helped thousands of people lose weight with our fat-burning workshop, which was innovative at the time – 8 kilos of fat loss in 6 weeks, no problem, 30, 40 or even 50 kilos in a few months – that also happened quite often. We collected hundreds and thousands of positive testimonials. But the measured data of quite a few test persons increasingly posed a mystery. Participants remained unsuccessful even though they should have lost weight according to the measurement data, while others even gained weight.
And so a research and development project worth millions was launched over more than 10 years, with thousands of test subjects analyzed in our own labs – with a clear result: current nutritional science is based on false assumptions, and our understanding of sport and exercise is misguided. No wonder so many people fail in the fight against obesity and suffer health damage. And it's getting worse. Social media and influencers are spreading misinformation faster and faster, and people are lying like crazy. So it's hardly surprising that those who finally realize that the results shown are never achievable through the tips presented end up resorting to dangerous drugs like anabolics or Ozempic.
It's time to put an end to this dishonest game! Dieting, counting calories and fitness training are yesterday´s strategy! The truth is, it's not about training and nutrition rules at all, but about understanding your own body.
In this book, you will learn how to use a new and revolutionary methodology, mental biohacking, to harmonize body and mind and thus awaken physical and mental energy potentials. You will learn how to lose as much weight as you want without dieting, counting calories, without motivational problems and without compulsory sports programs. You will learn how to gain more vitality, energy, performance, mental power and how to make your personal dream body a reality with the least amount of effort. We will look deep into the matrix code of your body and you will learn how the epigenetic programming of your body works: This is how you gain the genetics of a slim, healthy and fit person, for yourself and for future generations. Activate your body-mind connection and awaken the enormous power potential hidden within you! This is how you can improve your life from the ground up. You become the real creator of yourself.
Mental biohacking not only shows you how to save time every day, but also how to significantly extend your lifetime in health and vitality. Together we can fight the global obesity epidemic and create a healthier future!
Publication in English in February 25. Available in German
Maikerich Rauscher (AutHor) - November 2024 (360 pages)
A closer look reveals that there are countless people who have supernatural abilities, such as Mirin Dajo, who was able to heal severe internal injuries in just a few seconds. But what is the deal with that? Is it only reserved for a few individuals, or could you do it too?
One thing is certain: it was human consciousness that enabled our species to rule the planet. But we are on the verge of a dramatic turning point! The era of the AI agent is approaching. Robots with their own consciousness, who already have the level of a university graduate, will soon have that of professors and top managers. They work 24/7, they learn on their own, and they will change the world dramatically. Once upon a time, dinosaurs ruled the world, today they are extinct – and so the pressing question arises as to whether we are facing a similar fate?
Your mind is the most highly developed supercomputer and capable of much more than you realize! Socrates already told us: know thyself, and all is known. And: knowledge is power. And so our journey leads deep into your innermost being. It is about gaining awareness and attaining power. No matter where you are in life and what limits you – the answer and the solution are already within you, just waiting.
If you want to use the potential of your mind, beyond acquired knowledge, and gain a higher consciousness, then please read this book!
Publication in English in February 25. Available in German
We live in times of information overload. We are bombarded with information every day, but the way we handle information destroys the true potential of our minds and our brains. On the basis of BODY! we deepen the mental techniques of body-mind control so that you gain more control over your body and mind. With MIND! you gain enormously in personality and you achieve access to higher consciousness and undreamt-of possibilities!
Publication in English in February 25. Available in German
Maikerich Rauscher (Author) – nOVEMBER 2024 (370 pages)
HERO! Become who you are!
Each of us faces challenges in life that need to be overcome. For many, private difficulties are already enough, others are high performers and often at their limit. But in a world that is spinning faster and faster, this could soon become too much... And we are only at the beginning – would we recognize the world as it is in 10 years?
In my own life, I have been able to observe time and again: It is precisely our greatest pains that are often our greatest gains. Necessity is the mother of invention, and so every problem contains an opportunity. Traumatic experiences can drive us crazy or help us grow, make us heroes... And we can approach this systematically, which is why I would like to introduce you to the hero method, how you can break out of your matrix if you want, how you can be more the author of your life than the spectator, how you can achieve more self-determination and spend less time on the hamster wheel.
Everyone has far more power than they realize, and we already get a lot of clues from past cultures, the Bible, from philosophers and Far Eastern philosophy and new scientific findings, such as neuroscience or epigenetics confirm this. It is high time to apply this knowledge...
If you want to change something in the world, you want to arm yourself, or performance is important to you, then please read this book!
Publication in English in February 25. Available in German
It's all or nothing now...
AI agents (artificial intelligence, robots) are currently reaching the level of an academic, and shortly that of a PhD holder. Robots are already learning extremely quickly and independently, and will soon be working 24/7. Elon Musk predicts that the production of his Optimus robots will overtake Tesla, and Tesla is already worth around 1 trillion(!) dollars... The path they have set out on will soon lead to artificial intelligence running entire organizations independently. Humanity is at risk. It is high time to act!
Unleash your true potential
It is no longer possible to stop AI. Adapting, learning, and using it can only buy a breather. But there is tremendous potential slumbering in you, of which you probably have no inkling. And it is about nothing less than the key to power, the awakening of human superpowers, which artificial intelligence will never achieve. HERO! is your ticket to the future. HERO! shows a convincing way out of the misery! HERO is the key to a better world...
Publication in English in February 25. Available in German
Contents of Volume 3
HERO! become who you are!
A book with tremendous explosive power...
And a must-read for anyone who wants to prepare for the future
Most people agree that success is a matter of the mind, but it seems more than obvious that self-centered affirmations like “I am rich, beautiful, successful” are not really a solution. And yet the latest findings in quantum physics and neuroscience make us sit up and take notice: Is there a systematic way that life leads you to where you want to go, or are we increasingly dependent on external influences, trapped in a kind of matrix?
Many people feel an increasing urge to search for answers, and not without reason: after all, the world is changing rapidly and is becoming more and more unpredictable and threatening for many. One crisis follows hot on the heels of the next, and change is accelerating. With the triumph of artificial intelligence (AI), we will hardly recognize the world as we know it in just 10 years. None other than the highly talented Elon Musk warns us: “AI is an existential threat to humanity...”.
It was human consciousness that made us the dominant species on this planet – and it is precisely this consciousness that we are currently outsourcing to machines. The plans for what is to come are specific and dramatic: soon, AI agents will be able to manage entire organizations independently. The movie classic Terminator shows us how this could end – machines enslaving humanity. And so it was the task of writers for centuries to give people a hint in their works of what is in store for us, and another epochal work of film history provides decisive clues: “The Matrix”. It's about our consciousness.
AI will not be stopped, just as the coach industry could not stop the car, and most people are not even aware of how insidiously AI is gaining power. And AI is by no means our only “threat”. Much has been written about how we can improve the world, but most approaches tend to focus on the “outside”. But as a great philosopher, Socrates, taught us, “if you want to change the world, it's best to start with yourself”!
And yet, we usually do the opposite: whether in the press, social media or private discussions, we fall into the trap of the divide et impera strategy and waste valuable energy by flinging apparent rational arguments around. Instead of getting lost in discussions and arguments, we should use the crucial insights from quantum physics, neuroscience and epigenetics. These show us that every person is capable of much more than he or she realizes when they turn inward.
This is the framework for the central theme of this book: your path to higher consciousness and extraordinary abilities. This book wants to take you on a journey in 15 steps to uncover your true potential.
What was previously considered an elusive philosophy is becoming a systematic, easy-to-follow training method through mental hacking and the application of the DesignYou method. It's about living a more fulfilling, healthier, happier, and more successful life – a life in which you gain more options, power, and self-determination while setting an example for a better world.
Publication in English in February 25. Available in German